"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in." |
Children Learning Naturally (Article)
Permaculture is more than a design tool for agriculture and gardening - it is a design tool for life based on the following ethics...
School's Out by Lisa Ceneri (Poem)
Have enough guts, to stand over the line, until they give up, their job and resign!
Unschooling (Article)
Many people are intimidated or even outraged by the idea that children can safely direct their own learning.
Alternative Parenting (Website)
A resource dedicated to bringing families and families-to-be information needed to live a more natural lifestyle.
Home Education Magazine (Website)
Homeschooling information and resource pages - Online newsletters, discussion boards, a networking list, and selections from the magazine, including articles, interviews, columnists, resources, and reviews.
Learn in Freedom! Homeschooling Resources (Website)
This site is about taking responsibility for your own learning. It shows you how to use your own initiative in learning, so you can use schools and teachers just when they are helpful to you, and voluntarily chosen by you.
The Link: The Nation's (US) Homeschool Newspaper (Website)
Providing you with homeschooling information for free. A printed version is also available free.
Mango Mama's Natural Parenting (Website)
This site addresses everyday child-care issues from a natural prospective, and supports parents who parent outside the mainstream - from preconception to homeschooling. A good place to turn when intuition tells you that the standard advice is not right for you.
The Mother (Website)
An international magazine of fertility awareness, conscious conception, peaceful pregnancy, sacred birth, extended breastfeeding, natural immunity and attachment parenting.
Mothering - The Natural Family Living Magazine (Website)
Read in more than 65 countries and addresses contemporary health, personal, environmental, medical, and lifestyle issues in an upbeat, intelligent, compassionate, and courageous way.
The Natural Child Project (Website)
All children behave as well we they are treated. The site covers information and advice on all aspects of attachment-parenting (raising children with respect and trust), unschooling (trusting the child to set the "curriculum"), and child advocacy.
Nurturing Magazine (Website)
Tomorrow's ideas for today's parents. Offering honest, upfront, outspoken, insightful, determined, informative and cutting-edge discussion on topics of interest to parents in countries around the world.
Unschooling.com - Child-led learning (Website)
Creating a haven for unschooling families, a place to find answers, to meet friends, to discover resources and to read affirming essays.