Hitting is Always Wrong

"A child whose life is full of the threat and fear of punishment is locked into babyhood. There is no way for him to grow up, to learn to take responsibility for his life and acts. Most important of all, we should not assume that having to yield to the threat of our superior force is good for the child's character. It is never good for anyone's character."

John Holt, "Three Kinds of Discipline" [All Quotes

Related Categories: Parenting.


The Center for Effective Discipline (Website)
Provides educational information to the public on the effects of corporal punishment of children and alternatives to its use.

Center for Nonviolent Communication (Website)
A global organization helping people compassionately connect with themselves and one another through Nonviolent Communication. (Website)
While every adult group has fought for and won basic human rights protections and freedoms, children remain the only group of human beings without the same rights to equality, respect, protection from bodily harm and freedom of speech.

Children are Unbeatable! (Website)
A broad-based UK Alliance promoting childrens right to be protected from all corporal punishment.

End All Corporal Punishment (Website)
Corporal punishment of children breaches their fundamental human rights to respect for human dignity and physical integrity. Its legality in almost every state worldwide - in contrast to other forms of inter-personal violence - challenges the universal right to equal protection under the law.

The Natural Child Project (Website)
All children behave as well we they are treated. The site covers information and advice on all aspects of attachment-parenting (raising children with respect and trust), unschooling (trusting the child to set the "curriculum"), and child advocacy.

Never, ever hit a child (Website)
A source for "non-spanking" links, related to an adult behavior which has declared itself many things other than beneficial for children; that is, spanking children, and concerning not spanking children, non spanking alternatives to spanking children, effective non-punitive parenting and positive parenting

NoPaddle - Southern Education (Website)
A "book in progress" about spanking and paddling as physical abuse, sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Includes paddling photographic illustrations with Andrea.

Project NoSpank (Website)
Advocating for the fundamental right of all children to grow and learn in environments that are without violence and for their legal protection against assault and battery by anyone.

Tennesseans for Nonviolent School Disipline (Website)
Seeks to have corporal punishment removed from Tennessee public schools by providing education on the adverse effects of paddling children and by promoting more effective, positive, and nonviolent methods of discipline in public schools.


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No copyright! (but be nice please...) composed by OfeK.