The Frugal Life (Website)
Information on how to live frugally with the resources you have. Get ideas for more creativity in your finances and meet a community of wonderful people willing to help you.
Frugal Simplicity (Website)
Frugal tips, articles, and ideas to get more for your dollar, save money, and have more for less. It's not just about saving money, it's a way of life!
Live Simple: Radical Tactics to Reduce the Complexity, Costs, and Clutter of your Life (Website)
A complete ebook with specific tactics to help you simplify your life - including your stuff, your home, routine, dreams, and resources.
Living Simply (Website)
Whether you are an over-worked over-stressed executive, a single parent or just starting out on your own, stop here and get some ideas on how to live simply and within your means.
Overcoming Consumerism (Website)
The site details ways that you can help defeat consumerism, save money, work less and lead a more satisfying and environmentally benign life while helping to restore the economic self-sufficiency of your community.
The Simple Living Network (Website)
Providing Tools, Examples & Contacts For Conscious, Simple, Healthy & Restorative Living.