Bigger harvests, without pesticides or genetically modified crops (Article)
Sustainable agriculture is no magic bullet for feeding the world. It is an approach rather than a blueprint. Small farms with low yields stand to benefit the most and agribusiness the least.
Biotechnology Isn't the Key to Feeding the World (Article)
Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but by a scarcity of democracy. Thus it can never be solved by new technologies, even if they were to be proved "safe." It can be solved only as citizens build democracies in which government is accountable to them, not to private corporate entities.
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods (Website)
offers news updates, educational information and letters people can send to their Congressional Representatives in support of labeling legislation.
Keep Nature Natural - Label Genetically Engineered Foods (Website)
A campaign for labeling and establishment of safety standards for genetically engineered foods.
Label This! (Website)
A practical guide and inspiration for citizens who want to label genetically engineered food. Get informed, find friends, choose a store, check products, get labels, go label, tell the world, inspire others.
Organic Consumers Association (Website)
A consumer advocate for labeling of genetically engineered food, promoting organic food and sustainable agriculture and a watchdog to monitor biotech, irradiated food, mad cow disease, gmo and rBGH.
The Pink Castle (Website)
Once upon a time, in a field not far away, a pink castle appeared by the light of the moon, on one of the two GM sites that besiege Littlemoor in Dorset.
True Food Now (Website)
Greenpeace's campaign to ban genetically engineered foods by providing educational, activist and informational resources, such as the True Food Shopping List, to concerned consumers.