"To the man who clads his feet in shoe leather, the whole world feels like leather." |
The Barefoot FAQ (Article)
Frequently Asked Questions about living barefoot. This FAQ answers those questions that both non-barefooters and new barefooters ask of barefooters all the time, from the basic (obvious) questions to those on foot health, care, and treatment, as well as those on how to deal with a mostly shod world.
Establish a Sensuous Connection to Nature! (Article)
Make use of the sense of touch of the soles, for it is almost as highly developed as that of the hands! With animals and plants you may share the sensation of warmth and chill, the roughness of a dried-out ground or the freshness of reviving moisture.
Barefoot Dances and Related Listings (Website)
These are free-style barefoot dances that offer a non-threatening, alcohol-free and smoke-free environment, where you can express yourself with movement, or just boogie your heart out. There are also listings of related events such as contact improvisation jams, drum circles, etc.
Barefoot Travelling (Website)
Some of us love to be barefoot as much as possible, and of course we enjoy to travel barefoot as well. This Web-site is a place where all barefoot travellers can share their experiences.
Natural and Healthy Barefoot Activities (Website)
Well-balanced educational concepts include all senses. The sensory qualities of the soles serve both for a perfect coordination of body motion and for environmental experience. These potentials should not be left aside!
Parents for Barefoot Children (Website)
Parents promoting healthy barefoot activity for children, who suffer from a shoe-obsessed society since their birth - resulting in weak, deformed, unhealthy, desensitized and unhappy feet.
Society for Barefoot Living (Website)
People who love going barefoot pretty much everywhere, all the time (not just around the house or at the beach), as a lifestyle choice, including out and about on streets, stores, in the country, and hiking. Promotes barefoot acceptance worldwide and works towards regaining the freedom our parents and grandparents had to go barefoot anywhere.